Thursday, April 2, 2009

my friend asked me a question that i want to elaborate my full opinion on.

"What do you say Jo? Do we blame guys for females insecurities?"

i'm not saying i'm right, this is just my take on it...

yes women do blame guys for their insecurities. but we
shouldn't. nor should we blame another woman for insecurites. an insecurity is not something anyone can give you like a present or a std. it's something you choose to let develop and foster in yourself. now i am quite aware of circumstances, scenarios and situations (i.e. he cheated, he thinks im fat, he looks at other girls, she only likes guys with money, etc.) but at the same time i'm also aware of SELF-CONFIDENCE, SELF-CONCEPT, SELF-WORTH and SELF-ESTEEM. the world isn't fair...not everyone is out here wanting the best for you. ultimately the only person who wants the world for you and would do anything to give you the world is: you. you got to know that. 9 times out of 10 i'm sure a woman or man with insecurities has all low points in the self- categories. if you have a healthy balanced amount in all four you should be fine and won't have any insecurities to put blame on anyone, but if you do. then that person that's around you is NOT a good look and you should have the analytical, practical and emotional intelligence to know that you need to remove yourself. it's only when you continue to allow this person to be IMPORTANT in your life and to DIRECT who or what you should be do you develop insecurities.

Just be smart :)