Saturday, March 28, 2009

so this is me.

The Scorpio female is an independent soul. She possesses a forbidding, keep-your-distance manner that often hides a secretive and sensitive heart. This is a woman who will risk all for love and not count the cost, but can become bitterly disappointed if her judgment is proved wrong. Undeniably romantic by nature, she demands the near-impossible of those she loves. However, this female is quick to assess personalities and situations, able to put her finger on the crux of a question or circumstance immediately, seeing through all the dross, ignoring the veneer and getting to the truth. In addition, this woman is often at least a little psychic.
She will make a number of good friends, usually keeping them all her life, and her sympathy and understanding are extended to all who come in contact with her. Still, the woman ruled by Scorpio does make for a formidable enemy. She rarely creates animosity willingly, but is sometimes driven into situations that make her the center of some manifestation of jealousy. The contradiction of the Scorpio female character is rather puzzling to some people and endlessly fascinating to others. Outwardly, this always seems to be a relatively selfish woman who gives the appearance of self-centeredness in her concentration on personal affairs and the affairs of loved ones. Still, she can be capable of incredible self-sacrifice. In essence, no two acquaintances will ever view this female in the same manner for she will present a different facet of her personality to each one. As a sweetheart, the Scorpio female is exciting. As a life partner, she is appealing in her determination to be the best possible companion. As a mother, she will be both understanding and disciplinary.
Basically an old-fashioned individual, the woman ruled by Scorpio is loyal and courageous. She enjoys responsibility and is very capable. With a great love of luxury, she possesses considerable taste in home furnishings and other aesthetics. The difference in the atmosphere will very much depend on this female's intensity of feelings. She is a blunt and fearless character, doing everything passionately from the depths of her heart. Her devotion to loved ones is whole-hearted and can almost verge upon idolization at times. Rarely shy by nature, the Scorpio woman has a very healthy appetite for the physical aspect of a romantic relationship.