Monday, December 28, 2009

Break Break Down....

Ok, fellas I'm going to TRY and be CLEAR with this. If you read this objectively it might be an EYE-OPENER, but if you are sensitive, you will be a little heated.

Ya'll are the biggest hypocrites of all time.

I say this because I am SO SICK and TIRED of hearing you guys say the following:

"Girls, don't know what they want!"
"I hate girls who play GAMES!"
"Girls say ONE thing and DO another!"

You can't be serious. You CAN NOT be SERIOUS!?

-But let me be realistic and honest.-

Now, I admit. [Some] Women are HORRIBLE at clearly communicating to a man what it is they want exactly because [some] women DO play games.

They do so, because they feel that you sir, are initiating the game.

I have guy friends. And it's pretty much a general response I get when I ask, "what kind of girl are you looking for?"

Most guys want a "good girl". They want the girl that ISN'T at the club every week. Hell, they prefer that their girl don't EVER go to a club. They want her to be HOMEBODY, the type that won't be out at all types of the night. They want a girl with a GOOD education and a GOOD job. They want a girl who has a GOOD head on her shoulders and isn't caught up with anything that comes out of ANY guy's mouth.

But yet....

The guys who want this "good girl" and complain that girls play too many games and don't know what they want, are the SAME guys who go to [insert hyped club name here] every week, get 4+ girls number and sleep around.

I'm sorry fellas, you're playing yourselves. Good girls clearly see you ain't really about ANYTHING serious. Why waste time?

So this is WHY when you do muster up the courage to get that good girl, she don't want you! Cause you the SAME fool, that was at [insert club name here] going SMACK at her HOMEGIRL.

You say you want one type of girl, but you're seen chasing after the opposite. Not willing to give up 4-5+ girls on the side, but still want to stamp that ONE girl.

Bahahaha, I swear.


James Burks Jr said...

soooo.. does that mean I'm rare?

RuthWasHere said...

I totally understand & agree with this post. Coming from the so-called 'good girl' perspective, I know too many guys to want all these things from women that they in fact do not even deserve in the first place. And many are not even willing to make the necessary steps/sacrifices that would make them worthy of such a woman ::SIGHS:: I'd rather be single that have to deal with the bullshit that is courtship, at least for now =). *THE END <3

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